Service details:
- Satellite Internet service in remote areas, inaccessible by cable or terrestrial networks such as any rural locations, islands or mountains.

- Suitable for any corporate or company in need of data connection to each remote branch (Intranet-Based)
- Suitable for any corporate or company in need of data connection to any partners or customers in authenticated for network sharing (Extranet-Based)
Nature of service:
- Hi-Speed Internet over satellite for data transmission speed from 256 Kbps. to 2 Mbps, supporting always online and simultaneous fixed line and Internet in service areas throughout the country.
- Voice applications offer fixed line and facsimile service over satellite inaccessible by terrestrial communications.
- Bandwidth rental service for any corporate or company in need of bandwidth to apply for any job or services in telecommunicaion, broadband Internet and multimedia.
- Leased line service in communication of image, audio and data over satellight, suitable for any corporate in need of convience, rapidity, accuracy and security from data breaches with its transmission speed from 64/64 Kbps. to 4.096/2.048 Mbps.
- Video Conference/VDO Broadcast, Video Conference to tramsmit motion picture, image, graphic, and data file in multicast file transfer, and e-Learning.
- Intranet & VPN Application over Satellite Intranet-Based and Extranet-Based, suitable for corporate or company in need of connections to each in-house remote branch or external contact with data in quality, cost-effective and security.