Service details:
- NT Internet Gateway (IP Transit) service allows user to access international Internet information rapidly with highest efficiency. Since NT is the only International Internet Gateway (IIG) service provider in Thailand, having direct connection via 7 submarine cable systems (AAD, APG, SMW3, SMW4, FLAG, TIS, AAE1) to link with leading oversea IP transit providers, Internet Exchange (IX) provider, and content provider located in all global regions (USA, England, Hong Kong, Singapore). Currently, IIG POP users of both customers in domestic and neighboring countries have entrusted and confident in IIG service as core gateway for Internet business.

- Efficient access to leading content providers.
- Connect to the world's leading IP Transit IX, covering a global Internet network.
- Leading Public Internet Exchange (IX) in connectivity to:
- Equinix Exchange Singapore and The United States of America
- HKIX Hong Kong
- ANY 2IX The United States of America
- AMSIX Netherlands
- LINX United Kingdom
- NLIX Netherlands
- BBIX Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong
- DECIX Germany
- IIG POP in all global regions to provide service through a diversified international submarine cable system.
NT IIG Outstanding Features
- High-stability international Internet gateway service with a global Internet connection network through various and direct connections from submarine cable stations in 7 systems.
- Direct connection with leading content providers such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, and Netflix, enabling efficient and fast access through NT IIG POP locations in key regions such as USA., London, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
- Admin/NOC service support team with over 20 years of experience with rapid and professional recommendations and solutions.